Global Evolution
Through Personal Transformation of Consciousness
The Temple Online Community is an online interfaith spiritual community whose Mission is "Global Evolution through Personal Transformation of Consciousness." We welcome everyone. Our core teaching is that the Kingdom of Heaven lies within the human Heart (Luke 17:21), and every human being can experience their own inherent Divine Nature.
Our spiritual community traces its heritage back to ancient India. Our community houses a specific body of sacred Initiatory Esoteric Teachings from the Taoist Yogi-Christ Lineage of North America brought to the United States by Sant Mata Samyama Shangri-La. Because the Taoist Yogi-Christ Teachings incorporate an interfaith philosophy, our instructional programs include spiritual practices from many different traditions, such as meditation, metaphysics, Eastern philosophy, yoga, energy healing, mysticism, shamanism, affirmative prayer and devotional chanting. Our path is open to people of all traditions and faiths. We teach that Union with God is personal, subjective and direct, and is uniquely experienced by each individual.
Connecting All Hearts™ Guided Meditation
More guided meditations can be found on the AllOnePeace channel of YouTube. Meditations are 10 minutes;
(Full recordings may be slightly longer)
What We Teach
1. There is One Original Being - known as God or Spirit (and by many other names and forms) - which is everywhere present.
2. The nature of that Benevolent Power is Perfect Love.
3. We are all personal forms of the One Original Being. We are part of God and not separate from God.
4. The purpose of our Life's Journey is to experience our inherent God-Nature.
5. How we experience our God-Nature is personal, subjective and direct, and is unique to each individual.

Radha’s bio, in her own words:
Radha Cathy Lewis French’s spiritual journey awakened with her introduction to Reiki in 1992. As she proceeded on her path of Healing into Wholeness, she discovered much to her surprise that it wasn’t just healing but God that she sought.
When she met Samyama Flowering Tree in December 2008 Radha’s life changed dramatically. She is very grateful for the Grace from her Master Blueprint which gave her certifications and deep experiences in Alchemical Hypnotherapy, Coaching programs, Kartttikeyan Yoga Nidra, Sufi Studies, Neurolinguistic Programming, Landmark Forum, and studies with the Gifted Teachers Munishwarji Byasid, Joyce Stech, Keith Andersen, and Indira Riden among others. For several years Radha, and her then husband Varuna Tom French, were the Spiritual Heads of the Mahavatar Babaji Mystery School Newtown Connecticut. She is now honored to join co-leader Baladev Eric Werner in the Beautiful Seva of bringing into being another Mystery School for the Taoist Yogi-Christ Lineage International.
Even in this illustrious context, her Greatest Spiritual Training and Evolution came from her Seva of 13 years as Samyama’s personal assistant. Her gratitude is truly beyond measure for the Grace to serve such a Rare Spiritual Treasure.
Radha is very grateful to her Beloved Friend Indira for this delightful opportunity to join in Sacred Space for Satsang, and she looks forward to getting to know you and your Beautiful Light better.
The Temple Online Community
To attend Second Saturday Satsang
Email Indira (for ZOOM link) at
“Global Evolution, through personal
transformation of consciousness.”
As we consider new ways to fulfill this mission, we have made changes, to serve the evolving needs of our community.
We no longer hold regular in-person Satsang services; we’ve moved to an online model. ZOOM Satsang services are held on the 2nd Saturday of each month at 10AM.
To apply for a link to attend, contact Indira at templeoftheinnerself@gmail.com
[See Events page
for recordings of past lessons]
My Beloved Companions to Evolution, I have something to share with you.
More and more lately, as I try to teach, I find myself struggling to find the right words. A few weeks ago, as I was journaling about this difficulty, a stray thought came: “Do I need a sabbatical?” The surprising (and resounding!) answer from deep within me was, YES! This was not expected – the opposite of what I’d planned. However, once I “heard” it, I knew it as Truth. I am being called to silence, and I need to surrender. It’s time to rethink/reimagine/re-listen to my purpose. It’s time for listening instead of teaching.
And just like that, a decision was made.
Then, I asked myself who might take over Satsang gatherings. The name that “lit up” in my heart was Radha French. Radha is a guru in the Taoist Yogi Christ Lineage, and for many years, she has been my sister in spirit, my companion to evolution, and a constant example of wisdom and beauty-in-Spirit. I made a call to Radha, and to my immense gratitude she agreed to take over.
So, Radha will be leading Second Saturday Satsang going forward. I will attend the gathering, and support her with the technical aspects of Zoom and email announcements, but she will take the lead. I’ve invited her to make it hers completely, adjusting the format as she sees fit.
We will still meet on the Second Saturday of each month, via Zoom, from 10-11AM.
I don’t know what the future holds, but I do know my future is held, in Source. And I know that I love this community. I am grateful for all of the connections we’ve made, and I want to keep them.
With Great Love,
NOTE: I plan to remain available, on a one-on-one basis, to my students and companions to evolution. As I move into intervals of silence, I will turn off my phone for a time; however, I will respond to messages.
I have a wonderful feeling about all of this. Please join us to see what unfolds!